Well, we finish the Jesus Storybook Bible today. And summer is over for my kiddos :( I hope to still do Bible time with them after they get home from school. I will blog when we figure out what to do. If you have any ideas, that would be great.
The last story of John and the Revelation, begins on page 342 of the JSB. Sally Lloyd-Jones emphasizes all people and creatures bowing down to Jesus, and Satan being defeated. We talked about the fact that not everyone worships and submits to Jesus now, but in the end they will. To show this we lined up dominoes. When we tapped the end, they all fell. This is what we will all do when we see Jesus- worship him. Yippee.
the point? Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord
I have followed you throughout the summer and enjoyed each story and illustration you did. I am a preschool teacher and use the JSBB in my class. I think you did such great job of helping the littles to understand the "point!" I plan to incorporate your ideas with our read- alouds! Thank you for posting this each day. I know it's hard to keep up with a blog, especially with little ones underfoot. May God bless you and your family for training your children in the ways of the Lord.
Here's an idea for you: Put all your JSBB activities into a book! I would buy it!!!
I have checked your blog a few times and really love it, we too adore the JSBB! With back to school for us it has been a little more challenging to figure out our schedules so we have just started a Bible Timeline with the Big Picture Bible. I'm not sure how old your child/children are but mine are loving this. We have stared out doing two stories a week, you can see it at www.raisingdeeproots.wordpress.com if it interests you! Thanks so much for sharing all these wonderful ideas, looking forward to reading more!
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