Sally Lloyd-Jones includes an unusual story for a Children's Bible on page 144 of her storybook Bible. She tells of Isaiah delivering the promise of the Savior-Jesus. I love how she brings up the prophecies and promises that God made, long before Jesus came to earth. It really highlights the entire point of the Bible. I must admit, I was a bit stumped on what activity to do to help teach/review this story, because there is not a lot of action. We toke turns being the "messenger" delivering notes or drawings between people, as Isaiah delivered God's message to the people. Of course God's message was WAY better than ours :) Leave a comment if you have any other ways to teach this story.
the point? God planned and promised Jesus' salvation, long before Jesus came to earth
Have children write letters to loved ones. You can have them write out a Bible verse or if they are very young, print out the verse and help them decorate the letter.
This was such a good idea!!! I had a very hard time coming up with creative and fun activities to do for our church group of about 40 2-4 yr. olds... I am going to have a leader be the "messenger" and deliver 4 different colored envelopes and have the kids get into groups that match color.
I'm thinking of both getting my 5 year old to write a letter to his Grandad to tell him the good things he can look forward to at Christmas at our house, and writing a letter for my 5 year old, foretelling his Grandad's arrival (which will be 2 days later) by describing some of the loveliest things about him and what will happen when he comes but without being totally clear who I'm talking about so there's some detective work and anticipation then we can talk about how excited we are about him coming but how much more important and exciting God's message and the arrival of Jesus is in comparison.
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