Daniel chapter 4 has another surreal story. (I just noticed I posted these out of chronological order, sorry.) Anyway, King Nebuchadnezzar has a crazy dream in chapter four and is again perplexed. After other wise men of Babylon fail to interpret his dream, Daniel hears it and is
saddened by the meaning of the dream. He tells the King what the dream from God means and ends with a warning "your kingdom will be given back to you when you learn that one in heaven rules your kingdom" (Daniel 4:26b) Twelve months later King Nebuchadnezzar is having a proud moment, "I have built this great Babylon as my royal home. I built it by my power to show my glory and my majesty." Nebuchadnezzar's dream immediately comes true. He begins eating grass like an ox, his hair grows long, and his nails grow like claws. The Bible tells us that eventually Nebuchadnezzar "looked up toward Heaven" and praised the most high God. His mind and his kingdom are restored.
We placed small pieces of clear tape on the kids' fingernails to make them "claws." Then we took a cucumber and used a vegetable peeler to make strips of "grass." You could use celery, spaghetti, or anything else you have around. Then we went outside and acted out the story. The kiddos enjoyed eating their afternoon snack like a cow :)
THE POINT? God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble
Friday, June 29, 2012
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Writing on the Wall (Daniel's Days 5)
We had a great time coming up with a paint to "write on the wall." We simply covered the bottom of a muffin tin with dish soap (or baby shampoo would work.) Then we added a few drops of food coloring and about a teaspoon or two of cornstarch. If you want the paint thicker, add more cornstarch. The kids mixed up each color and we went outside to paint the windows. We acted out the story and wrote the words on the wall. Then the kids had a good time covering the windows with washable paint. When they were finished, we hosed off the windows. Warning: the washing created A LOT of slippery bubbles. I would also try to keep the paint off any window facings or non-glass surfaces.
THE POINT? God has a plan and WILL fulfill it
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
The Fiery Furnace (Daniel's Days 3)
THE POINT? God has the power to protect his people in any way! We should worhsip him only.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream (Daniel's Days 2)
We went outside and collected stones to make a statue. We tried to find ones that were goldish, grayish, etc. for the different parts of the statue. We then acted out the story with the stone knocking it over, fun! I love how this shows God is in total control, even over kingdoms that are not "Godly." I love how Daniel did not take credit for the dream interpretation but gave it to God.
the point? God is in control!
Daniel's days,
super summer bible fun
Friday, June 8, 2012
Vegetables (Daniel's Days 1)
Woohoo we are off! I love having some extra time with my kiddos this summer. I want to make sure we don't forget to spend some of that time learning about Jesus Christ, and his word. My kids are getting old enough to help out planning "Bible Time" and have favorite stories they want to study more in depth. Von (age 9) wants to study Daniel, and Alyse (age 6) wants to learn more about Esther. Knox (age 3) is along for the ride :)
Before we started reading Daniel, we went through a little background on why the Israelites were living in Babylon. The Action Bible has a good couple of stories before Daniel recounting Israel's turning to other God's and God allowing them to be taken captive. Daniel 1 opens with Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego living in the palace in Babylon and being trained by King Nebuchadnezzar's men. These four Israelite young men are given the "awesome privilege" of eating and learning like Babylonion noblemen. In today's story they are given choice food from the King's table. However, the four Israelites know that the King's food has been dedicated to the Babylonian Idols, and is unclean for them to eat. Therefore they ask to eat only vegetables and water. The King's servants are afraid they will not be healthy enough but agree to their request for a ten day trial period. At the end of the ten days, the Israelites are found to be in stellar condition. God's instructions really were for their benefit.
We used fruit/veggies to paint this time. If you do not want to use actual food you can easily use celery stalks that would otherwise be thrown away or any kind of tree/bush limb. It is simply fun for the kids to paint using something unusual. As they paint, review the story. Be sure to help them understand the point of the story is not actually to "eat your vegetables" (although they ARE good for you,) but the point is that obedience to God's ways are actually for OUR good.
THE POINT: God's instructions are SO much better for us, trust him
THE POINT: God's instructions are SO much better for us, trust him
Daniel's days,
eat your vegetables,
The Action Bible
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